Green Credentials
Here at Eploy, we absolutely believe the importance of our role as stewards of the environment. While we recognise that as a software provider, our environmental and carbon footprint is relatively small, we believe every organisation and individual has a role to play in the stewardship of the local and global environment.
Carbon Neutral Plus
Eploy has been independently certified as a Carbon-Neutral Plus organisation. Being a CarbonNeutral+ company means achieving more than carbon neutrality. In addition to neutralising its emissions, Carbon Neutral+ companies help finance new renewable energy projects in vulnerable communities and plant new native trees with local organisations.
We calculate precisely the emissions generated by each client's Eploy instance since we have connected Microsoft Emissions Calculator to our Microsoft Azure datacentres. It's important to stress that Microsoft themselves offset all Azure emissions. However, as part of our Carbon Neutral Plus certification, we go the extra mile for each of our customers using the following formula:
- We take the total emissions generated by our customer's use of Eploy
- Even though these emissions have been offset by Microsoft, we multiply the emissions by a factor of two
- We then offset this multiple - effectively meaning your Eploy usage has been offset three times (1 x Microsoft, 2 x Eploy)
In addition, our total offset calculation includes:
- Offsetting twice as much CO2 as generated by our office/fuel and home working
- Offsetting twice as much CO2 as generated by our business mileage and travel
- Offsetting all of our staff commuting CO2